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1 Hour, €350 - thank goodness the taxi came back on time

Kelsey Edwards • 10 April 2024

A Typical Morning For Me Living on Hydra

I really shouldn't be let loose in a garden centre without vigilant supervision. But I did at least ask Panagiotis, my favourite Ermioni taxi driver, to come back for me in 1 hour. Unfortunately, 1 hour was more than enough time for me to gleefully get side-tracked and overly ambitious about what I can actually cram into my garden.

The Dimarakis Garden Centre in Kranidi, is a new one to me and I thank Dino Bradlee for the recommendation. What a massive selection of really healthy plants to choose from. And I also appreciated the knowledgeable friendly help from Christina who spoke English but more importantly, garden-speak. She knew immediately what the plants I wanted were in Latin not just Greek. And what soil they like and which ones like full sun or shade. My list was for 3 night blooming jasmines (with the wonderful perfume that you only ever smell after the sun has gone down), and a decent sized plum tree. We went straight to the right place in the neighbouring field serenaded by geese honking in alarm and across the camomile lawn (that made me very very jealous) Being a hands-on gardening enthusiast, my nails are a mess and I couldn't help notice that Christina had a perfect manicure. "I don't actually do digging or planting", she laughed when I mentioned her nails, "I just do the admin and garden planning".  I then proceeded to add herbs, another bougainvillea, some daisies, geraniums and quite a few other plants to try out in my shady corners. Christina's job included totting up my bill and kindly taking off 10% for me. I only felt mildly guilty and convinced myself that I was no longer hungry for lunch as I emptied my purse.

  • Dimarakis Garden Centre in Kranidi, Argolis, Greece

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  • Dimarakis Garden Centre in Kranidi, Argolis, Greece

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As there was no way I'd manage to carry everything home, Christina arranged a lorry (honestly, really more of a van, a small one) to deliver to Ermioni on Friday so it could all come across on the Georgia supply boat to Hydra for Saturday. That sorted, Panagiotis and I headed off for essential supplies in Ermioni. Shopping done and new keys cut, guilt was overcome by hunger pangs so I headed to my familiar waiting place, Maria's Taverna. It's at the end of the jetty where the Dolphin and Christos Ferry boats dock, so I can see them coming. And today, there on the outside jetty was the Georgia being loaded.

  • Key cutting at Ermioni

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  • Key cutting at Ermioni

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  • Watching the Georgia supply boat for Hydra being loaded in Ermioni.

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Lack of food had obviously made my brain function more slowly. Having watched for at least 10 minutes, it suddenly dawned on me that something was amiss. Surely today was Wednesday, so what's the Georgia doing in Ermioni? Its normal days are Tuesday and Friday. But as it turns out, fortuitous for me. I would get my plants sooner if Christina could get a wriggle on.

Having checked that the van could be loaded immediately and dispatched with all haste, I took a brisk walk around the harbour to get an explanation from Fanis Mavroumatis who has been the captain of Georgia for a few months now, as to why he was in Ermioni on the wrong day and to beg him to delay leaving to the latest possible time.

It's times like this that having good inside knowledge about how Hydra works, comes in handy, but even I had forgotten that the Hydra's Trail Event happens this coming weekend. So today would be the last pick up for the Georgia for a week because they can't unload on Hydra this Saturday. Phew, just missed the possible agony of my poor plants wilting on a quayside for a week!

  • Fanis Mavroumatis the Captain of the Maragos Supply Boat, Georgia, for deliveries to Hydra Island Greece.

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  • The Maragos Supply Boat, Georgia, moored in Ermioni to collect mainland supplies for delivery to Hydra Island, Greece.

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  • The Maragos Supply Boat, Georgia, moored in Ermioni to collect mainland supplies for delivery to Hydra Island, Greece.

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Fanis reassured me that he would definitely still be there for my tender delivery as the lorries from Athens hadn't arrived yet. And yes, there would be room for my plants. And yes, yes he would make sure they were protected and not squashed. And YES, he would phone me if there was even the slightest hint of a hitch!

Feeling chuffed I headed back to wait for the Dolphin and to send a message to Nikos my muleteer to let him know he had at least four mule loads to bring up to my garden tomorrow as early as he could.

So that was my morning, fairly typical of life on Hydra. I even noticed that the Christos Ferry ticket price has gone up to €10 this year.

And this afternoon, because it was too hot to garden, I managed my emails, nagged a few people to get things done and rattled off half a dozen phone calls. But by 7 I was out prepping half a dozen tub planters ready for new occupants tomorrow.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want details of Ermioni taxis, garden centers, key cutting or getting your deliveries to Hydra.

Best regards, Kelsey

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