By Freckles on the Road 10 Aug 2017
.... "La balade en âne est donc l’attraction touristique par excellence. Mais nous avions entendu parler d’Harriet, une anglaise installée sur l’île d’Hydra. Passionnée par les chevaux, elle fait visiter l’île à cheval, une balade différente de la promenade purement touristique promise par les ânes." ....
By Delphi 14 July 2017
.... "One of the ways many experience Hydra is, of course, by taking a donkey ride. But if you want to step up your experience, there are actual horses to be ridden and the experience is incredible." ....
By Marc Dubin, 17 May 2017
.... "Check out Harriet's Hydra Horses, run by amiable Harriet Jarman, resident on Hydra since childhood and also ex-British Army. She offers ten set itineraries, starting from a corral at the back of the town, inevitably up into the steep surrounding terrain, except for three treks along the coast."....
By Louise Roddon, 25 February 2017
.... "Her riding trails suit wimps such as my sister and me, because you can’t gallop on this rocky terrain. Nor even trot. So plod we do, and very lovely it is to leave the tight-stepped alleys of Hydra Town, bypassing high-walled gardens, then rising above the houses, along old donkey trails strewn with pine needles and wild thyme." ....
.... "While it’s easy to be mesmerized by the beautiful surroundings of the port of Hydra, Harriet’s Horses gives you the extra motivation to find the island’s hidden treasures, far off the beaten track." ....
Jelena of Travel Bloggers Greece
28 May 2017
I don’t know if I told you before but I always had that thing for horses! I adore them! I planned it many times to spend a day riding horses and exploring Greek islands! A perfect match! Dont you think so? When I said to my friends that I am heading to Hydra .....
катание на лошадях Остров Идра,прогулки на лошадях Идра, Здесь Вы сможете прокатиться на лошади по узким улочкам города. На склоне холма издалека видны впечатляющие здания строгих форм. Это "архондика" - дома, построенные в средние века, в основном, владельцами кораблей, составлявших цвет здешнего общества. ....
Tornos News | 4 June 2016
Hydra is an enchanting Greek island known for its restaurants lining the main port and the inevitable flashback to the turn of the century and beyond as there are no cars allowed on the island. The charm of the winding narrow pathways that lace the city are one way to experience Hydra. However, for those looking for an alternative view of the island, Harriet’s Hydra Horses is the tour to book. ....
By Antonia Quirke
I GO ON A DAWN MULE RIDE UP to the high Monastery of St Matrona to take carrots to 70-something Sister Nectaria. Leading the little expedition is 26-year-old blonde Harriet who came to Hydra aged 10 from Uxbridge with her mother ....
Days of Bliss - Greek Version
7 August 2016
"... Τη δυνατότητα για αυτή τη μοναδική εμπειρία μας έδωσε όπως σας είπα και εδώ η Harriet με τα όμορφα άλογά της.
Προτού γράψω όμως περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες, μπορείτε να απολαύσετε την ίδια σε μια συνέντευξη, στο φιλμάκι που δημιούργησε ο ταλαντούχος Σωτήρης Τσελές." ....
By Kerry Kolasa-Sikiaridi - May 31, 2016
"It all started in 2014 when expat Harriet Jarman started Harriet’s Hydra Horses. This has given her the opportunity to bring together her horses, who are her pets and like family to her, with tourists visiting Hydra who wish to experience amazing tours of Hydra’s mountains, churches, monasteries and beaches on horseback." ....
Par Maud Vidal-Naquet, 02/03/2015
.... "Parcourir Hydra à cheval avec Harriet Jarman, une charmante Anglaise qui a grandi sur l'île et qui vous en révélera tous les secrets. Elle transporte aussi les valises à l'hôtel. Harriet's Hydra Horses." ....
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