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HydraDirect logo - Travel and tourist information for Hydra Island Greece

Shops on Hydra Island Greece

Shopping like you've never done before

Shopping on Hydra, even after a quarter century, still feels like I've inadvertently stepped into a Disney film set. Visiting the town to shop is a bit of an adventure.

With no purpose built shopping centres or out of the way malls that, heaven forbid, you'd have to drive to, Hydra's boutique shops jostle for attention on the ground floors of the magnificent, historical buildings that monumentally embrace the glittering harbour.


  • Elena Votsi Jewellery designer on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Elena Votsi

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  • Marialena Maramenou Jeweller on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Marialena Maramenou

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Food & Drink

  • Bexis Kritikos Supermarket on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Bexis Kritikos Supermarket

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  • Four Corners Supermarket (Kamini) on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Four Corners Supermarket

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  • Mitsiou Supermarket on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Mitsiou Supermarket

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  • Maragos Supermarket on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Maragos Supermarket

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Pet Shops

Gifts & Souvenirs

  • Donkeycat Gallery Shop on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Donkeycat Gallery Shop

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Beauty & Well-Being

  • Commo Gusto hair styling and beauty on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Commo Gusto Hair & Beauty

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  • Massage Treatments by Rena Floria, Hydra Island on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Massage Therapy by Rena Floria

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Home & Interiors


  • Banks on Hydra Island Greece

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  • Post Office on Hydra Island Greece.

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    Post Office

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  • Georgia Supply Boat for Hydra Island Greece.

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    Georgia Supply Boat

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