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Rescued Caretta Caretta Loggerhead Sea Turtle on Hydra Island Greece. (10 October 2018). This sea turtle had been hurt by a bad blow to the head.Originally it was thought to have collided with a boat, but sadly once it had been seen by the director of the rescue centre, it was recognised as a blow from a hammer. Sadly, despite all efforts, this sea turtle died of her wounds about 3 months later.
If you find a sea turtle in distress (or dead) please phone the emergency number(s) so authorities can get help from one of the rescue centres. (If you are a sailor, you are more likely than landlubbers to come across a distressed turtle, so please read the first aid notes to make sure you don’t make matters worse in your rescue attempts.) Do not keep a wounded turtle immersed in water, don't drag by its flippers or head (hold the shell above the head and tail then lift), place on a towel or piece of carpet (the lower side is very sensitive). Never put anything (including your fingers) inside a wound. Cover wounds with a damp cloth and don't try to pick anything out. Do not keep pouring water over the animal (it's not a dolphin) as it will distress the turtle further. Talk quietly and try to keep crowds back to reduce stress. Don't put and injured animal back into the sea. It will just die. Please call the emergency numbers below. Thank you.
Hydra Emergency Number: 199
International Emergency & Rescue: 112
1) Local Emergency/Fire Station: +(30) 22980 53199
2) Coastguard (Port Police): +(30) 22980 52279
3) ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ Σύλλογος για την Προστασία της Θαλάσσιας Χελώνας. ARCHELON Τhe Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece. ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ Σύλλογος για την Προστασία της Θαλάσσιας Χελώνας, Σολωμού 57 104 32 Αθήνα
Tel/Fax: +(30) 210 5231 342 , e-mail: