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Carnival - Apokries on Hydra Island, Greece

Come and join the party - Carnival in Hydra is the day when everyone lets their hair down for a bit of fun.

The Greek word Αποκριές 'Apokries' means 'Carnival' and the literal translation of the Greek word is 'Apoxh apo kreas', which means 'Goodbye to meat'. This is the same for the Latin word 'Carnival' which means 'Meat (carne) goodbye (vale)!'
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
It was essentially a pagan celebration at the beginning of spring, with emphasis on fertility. In the Roman and Byzantine period, the carnival was marked as a tribute to the magical qualities of nature. However, it has been linked to the worship of the ancient God, Dionysos, the God of Wine and Feast. Therefore, there is no coincidence in the fact that Apokries is always just before the start of Lent. As in all carnivals, fancy dress is worn with everyone parading their costumes along the carnival route and through the town.

As the dates for the Greek Orthodox Paska (Easter) change annually, so do the dates for Lent, and so therefore, the dates for Apokries. Lent begins 7 weeks before Paska and is still observed as a period of fasting from animal produce and oil by many Greeks. The last main Carnival day is always held on the Sunday before Shrove Monday ('Clean Monday' or 'Kathari Dheftéra') a last fling as it were, before Lent starts.
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
The horsemen lead the parade, then the 'music mule', which in turn is followed by 'The Big Head'. I've never managed to find out the significance of 'The Big Head' but it puts in an appearance every year without fail. It's a cumbersome, papier-mâché head that's about a half meter in diameter, painted with a face using a rather sickly pink tone for the skin. The 'Head' wears a hat and whomever it is underneath, is hidden by fabric styled as a dress. It really is a very heavy, large costume that usually means that it has to be accompanied to help get it up and down the steps!
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
The 'Carnival Couple' are different people each year, always two men one of whom dresses in drag and they quite often brandish grotesquely phallic vegetables - it's very easy to see the fertility message with these two! And everyone else follows on.
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
First the parade walks up Lignou Street (aka Donkey Shit Lane), then, right at the Old High School, passing the Four Corners Supermarket, when there is a pause for refreshments and a dance in Hillary Square when more people join the parade.
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
Since 2016, the parade also visits the Language School above Four Corners and even more people join the throng.

From Hillary Square, the parade continues down into Kamini Harbour, collecting more carnival-goers along the way. There's another stop for refreshments outside the Pirofani Square before turning right towards upper Kamini. From this point, the weather seems to dictate the rest of the route. If it's miserable, it takes the shortest route back to town, but if it's sunny (well, not raining), the longer route can be taken.

The parade finishes at Hydra harbour with those who haven't been in the parade, lining the harbour front to applaud as the parade arrives. Music is set up for dancing and everyone poses for photographs.
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
While parties take place at many of the tavernas, the main one is held at Xeri Elia (Douskos) Taverna.
Αποκριές (Apokriés) Carnival on Hydra Island Greece 2016
Everyone is welcome to the carnival on Hydra whether they have a fancy dress costume or not. But it's so much more fun if you do dress up!

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