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The Isalos Cafe/Bar on Hydra are big supporters and take part in the Hydra's Trail Event which is held annually at the beginning of April when Hydra plays host to upwards of 1000 athletes many of whom are international medal winners for endurance and marathon running.
Some of the key founders of the Hydra's Trail Event work at the Isalos and live year round on the island.
During the winter months they are busy getting into training and frequently use the Isalos as their 'club house' to discuss progress, compare training routines and encourage each other as well as visitors who have started to come to the island who also like to 'challenge' themselves.
And of course, they eat and relax at the Isalos which is why you will find so many healthy and fitness-oriented items on the menu inspired by Hydra's sports men and women.
Visit the Hydra's Trail Event for more information.