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Jacqueline Savidge - Artist on Hydra Island Greece

Jacqueline Savidge was born in Nottingham, England in 1959. She has been a full time resident of Hydra for over 30 years and her creativity knows no bounds. Jacqui is a versatile artist. In addition to original paintings of Hydra's flora, land and seascapes, she tackles projects such as recycle art, papier mache & needlepoint.


Passionate about drawing and the creative arts from a very young age, but having been discouraged from following artistic studies, she graduated from Oxford’s Dorset House as a qualified Occupational Therapist in 1980 and subsequently spent six months travelling through India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives – an experience which greatly influenced her future.
Jacqueline Savidge starting out - Artists on Hydra Island Greece.
Her return to London led her to take her first steps in developing her artistic career. After a few years of working as an autodidactic Graphic Designer she discovered Greece and the island of Hydra – the perfect place to develop her self-taught painting.
Her most recent work, in needlepoint and using textiles together with machine and hand embroidery, brings together her skills as a dressmaker with her eye for design.
Jacqueline Savidge - Artists on Hydra Island Greece.
Hydra has been Jacqui’s home and source of inspiration for the last 30 years. Her work is available for purchase and may be viewed in her studio with a pre-arranged appointment.


  • 2002 Two-artist exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2003 Solo exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2004 Group exhibition at the Black Swan Art Gallery, Somerset, England
  • 2004 Three-artist exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2004 Solo exhibition at Pan’s Gallery, Hydra
  • 2006 Solo exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2013 Solo exhibition at Pan’s Hall, Hydra
  • 2016 Group exhibition, hosted by Hydragogy, Hydra
  • 2016 Hydra Artists, group exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2017 Hydra Artists, group exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2018 Hydra Artists, group exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra
  • 2018 Solo exhibition at the Melina Mercouri Hall, Hydra


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