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Political Garden, Hydra Island Greece

The Political Garden on Hydra Island Greece. In 2021 Greece celebrates the bicentennial of its National Independence, Hydra's heroes from the Greek War of Independence (1821) are revered on the island and Hydra is also rightly proud of the fact that it has produced five Prime Ministers and two Presidents for modern day Greece. You can find the plaques commemorating them in the Political Garden off Miaoulis Street. The following Hydrians have governed Greece:

  • George Kountouriotis Prime Minister and Minister of Shipping during the reign of King Otto - March to October 1844.
  • Antonios Kriezis Prime Minister during the reign of King Otto - December 1849 to May 1854
  • Dimitrios Voulgaris Prime Minister of Greece 7 times.
  • Athanasios Miaoulis Prime Minister for Greece 3 times.
  • Petros Voulgaris Prime Minister of Greece - 1945.

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