Willem Jan Smit b.1984 in The Netherlands. Smit graduated from Emily Carr University in Vancouver, Canada in 2013. He is valued for establishing critical connections to local contexts that expose societal intolerance, indifference, and inequity. His multi-faceted practise exhibits a recurring interest in satirising formalist objectivity with personal content, sexuality, gender stereotypes, and swapping cultural habits.
In Double Penetration (2018), two faux-golden vibrators interact with the strings of an open concert piano (sustain pedal weighed down) to produce a discordant metallic sound in the Melina Mercouri Hall on Hydra; in It Is Conceivable That She Will Refuse (2017), the windows of a Thessaloniki waterfront pavilion are chalk-painted in the manner expected during construction or bankruptcy — with the eponymous text in reference to IVF donor restrictions for lesbians in Greece.