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Safety-First Summer Preparation

Kelsey Edwards • 1 April 2021

Getting Ready to Reopen Safely on Hydra

Despite the changeable Spring weather that seems to have brought more wind but not enough water this year,  Hydra's businesses are cautiously optimistic that, as planned by the government, the island will be ready to safely reopen for visitors in mid-May.

Having managed to stay well clear of the CoVid pandemic for most of the last horrible year, it was perhaps inevitable that the island would succumb to a small outbreak in March, frustratingly close to the time when we hope to open.

At the moment there are 22 active Hydra cases. Everything is under control with 19 mild cases still in home-isolation on the island, but sadly, 3 patients are in hospital on the mainland. The Mayor and one other person have now recovered and with negative tests have been allowed to leave isolation. The EODY government team visited the island on Monday and Tuesday this week. They conducted 312 voluntary tests. Only 1 positive case out of the 312 was found, which I've accounted for in the still active cases.

Although these statistics are miniscule in the world's figures, on Hydra where everyone knows each other, concern for those affected is magnified with best wishes for a good recovery uppermost in everyone's minds.

Having almost lived in a protected bubble on Hydra for so long, the March outbreak has served as a timely reminder on the island to hang-on for a bit longer and take precautions even more seriously. There is a sense of determination to knock this outbreak on the head so that we can keep our friends and families safe as well as to be able to safely reopen for business to welcome much missed visitors back.

While businesses are starting to decorate and refit their premises, the vaccination program for the island is well in hand. In March, 232 over 60's had their first Vac Jabs with their second doses due to start imminently. And vaccination of essential personnel has been ongoing since the 21st March. Registration for the island's 18-59 is still happening this week and already the percentage of those eligible to register is showing an increase on the last group with some who missed the opportunity last month signing up this time around. There is still no word yet from the Government Health Ministry as to a date for the 'collective' vaccination for the latest group to start, but hopefully the first doses will be administered by the end of April.

The aim is to have everyone on Hydra who wants the vaccine to have at least the first dose by the beginning of May to provide as much protection as possible for a safer reopening.

Safety precautions such as hand sanitizers, limited numbers for shop entry, the use of masks and limited social contact are well established on the island now. The Bexis/Kritikos supermarket is the first to install a sanitizer dispenser combined with a temperature-taking feature for their customers to use. And visitors will be able to buy a variety of masks and handbag size bottles of sanitizer from lots of shops while they are here. Precautions have become much more of an automatic habit (especially reinforced by everyone's apprehension with the up-close and personal nature of the outbreak) and is likely to continue well into the summer so visitors will be kept safer too.

As far as it's been possible to find out, most of the shops, restaurants and businesses on Hydra intend reopening this season, so visitors will be happy to see all their favourite places and people.

Many of the 2nd home owners who normally migrate back to the island in March, in light of the island outbreak and the mandatory 7 day self-isolation immediately on arrival, have opted to wait until the cases on Hydra have recovered, delaying their returns until after the Greek Orthodox Pascha at the end of April. This will greatly reduce the risk of possibly bringing contamination as well as their luggage with them and everyone on the island  appreciates their consideration.

As with last year, the Greek Government have already asked the population to not travel outside of their full-time homes to avoid (re)contamination of the islands. So again, this year's Pascha will be a low-key, at-home celebration.

A note of good news though, instead of cancelling the much loved Hydra's Trail Event this April, it has been moved to the end of May. Personally I think this is one of the most exciting annual events hosted by Hydra. I am thrilled that the new date will mean there will be more supporters around to encourage the participants. No doubt there will be restrictions but as a substitute for shouting my support from behind a mask, I have already ordered some noisy clapping machines!

All-in-all, Hydra is working hard on all fronts to get ready to welcome everyone back to their favourite Greek island as safely as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you this summer.

Regards, Kelsey

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